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How can I benefit from Convo Lights in the workplace?

Convo Lights creates the best visual ringing experience.

Karina Pedersen avatar
Written by Karina Pedersen
Updated over a week ago

Convo Lights is an awesome feature for your calls—available on Convo iOS and Convo macOS—which uses smart lighting technology with Philips Hue. For your workplace, you can design and customize your own visual notification system with Convo Lights! This feature dramatically reduces the amount of missed calls and creates a more colorful environment when receiving calls. 

We believe every Deaf person should own their calling experience. 

Calling experience

Ringing notification

Just like how hearing people have customized ringtones, you can design your own ringing experience in a visual way. For example, you can choose any color for your incoming calls. You can also choose how many light bulbs you want to use—a lamp on a desk or the entire workspace. It's up to you!


You can customize your experience so that when you get a call, you don't need to waste time trying to adjust your lighting. Once you answer the call, Convo Lights will automatically brighten up so your video has the best lighting. 

Missed calls

When you miss a call, the lighting system will immediately emit a red glow. It can't get any more clear than that.

Pick your color

In addition to being able to tell the difference between ringing and missed calls, each Convo number connected to the system at your workplace can also have its own color. This means each person at the workplace will know when someone is specifically calling for them.

Why Philips Hue?

We chose Philips Hue because their products offer the most customizable and best experience for your calls. 

Each light bulb contains built-in wireless networking capabilities which let you control the lights and also set colors and smart behaviors via your smartphone. Their light bulbs are also LED and energy-efficient.

The choice was a no-brainer.

See what else you can do with Philips Hue here.

Testimonial from a Deaf business owner

“Before Convo Lights, we missed over 50% of our calls. Now we are on a par with non-deaf businesses and only miss 5%. This feature helps us run a more profitable business. We’re experiencing a higher volume of reservations and feel like we’re able to walk into our own restaurant completely at ease, knowing that we will catch each call.” - Russ Stein, co-owner of Mozzeria

"I want it for my workplace! Now what?"

First, download and install Convo iOS and/or Convo macOS

Then connect with our business team via live chat! Simply click on the green chat button at the lower right corner of this webpage. 

"I already have Philips Hue, how do I set up Convo Lights?"

If you already have a Philips Hue system, learn how to get set up here.

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